This is the storyboard that we produced as a group:
1) Characters running into the sunlight, showing contrast between the light and drak lighting within the following scenes, my idea (which includes editing) was to edit the beginning so the sunlight is maximised fully to the highlight the contrast it will go to. By the end of the scene the light will engulf the entire camera shot like a dream sequence or a flashback/flashforward.
2) Victims running across a bridge as if they are being chased.
3) Charcaters are forced to split up in the forest, long shot to establish the situation as well as the setting.
4) Mid shot of one character shouting the name of the other character, camera may do a tracking shot around the character as they shout?

5) Long shot at a high angle of the second character running, constantly looking behind her as if she's paranoid or as if something is following her. High angle shot- predator looking down on prey, sense of being stalked. Maybe shoot a couple shots with red filter?
6) Mid shot back to other character still calling the second character's name. Long pause, as second character screams.
7) Second character being dragged along the floor by the predator/follower, long shot. Editing here, ghosting/blur?
8) Cuts to contrasting scene- Two girls walking down a corridor. Light has completely changed. One girl is slightly paranoid, has flashbacks/flashforwards?
9) Girls go in a room and sit down.
10) One girl has a really worried look on her face, close up.