Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Scene One
My main character is being compared to the main character in 'When a Stranger Calls'. Both characters appear to be being watched by something/someone. They both look as though they are in danger. They are wearing similar clothes; everyday clothing to give the sense of familiarity so the audience can relate to the characters more as they appear realistic. This promotes the genre of horror more as the audience will be more scared. Both characters appear to be in a secluded typically safe environment, however the genre of horror takes these places and twists them into places that are dangerous and not what you expect them to be. Lastly, the two characters are young and female. Following the trend of 'damsel in distress' type main characters and the stereo typical views of women in danger. One difference between the characters is that the one from my horror film appears to be in a light area whereas the other contrasts to this and is a dark location. My character is still in the opening of my film unknown of the danger before her whereas the main character form 'When a Stranger Calls' is obviously in the climax of her dangerous situation.
Scene Two
In this comparison i am also comparing my character with the main character from 'Creep'. Both characters are in a derelict/ dirty setting and appear to have blood/mud all over them. They also both appear to have a look of fear on their face as if they are being chased, they both also appear as if they are on their own. However, my main character is running whereas the main character from 'Creep' is stationary. Once again both characters follow the stereotype of young female victims n a horrific storyline.
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