Evaluation: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Looking back at the preliminary task I did I feel that I have improved hugely. The main reason for this was because I rarely use 'Adobe Premier Pro' to edit videos so editing the preliminary task was the first chance I had to do so in a couple for years. The footage and editing in the preliminary task is still raw compared to the opening of my horror film, but we just needed to get usedd to using the basics of the programme again. I have learnt that you have to think carefully about where to place your shots as well as what shots to use as this could affect the genre and mood of your film. Planning the sound and light is a key factor as you have to make sure that there is enough light and that things such as wind and traffic do not effect your desired sound if you are filming outside. Overall, i feel that if enough planning and research into the production and editing of the film has been made then it will run smoothly and the way you want it to go.
I also learn thow to do things like adding effects, transitions as well as adding sound effects and music.
One thing which I learnt from the preliminary task was the '180 degree rule'. You have to make sure you stick to this otherwise the continuity of your film will be effected. For our opening this wasn't too much of an issue as it was deliberatly very choppy and changed directions a lot as for most of it we were aiming for it to create a state of confusion for the audience as well as a sense of being lost for the two main characters. We also learnt match on action in the preliminary task, however, this was also wasn't needed as there is no speech in my opening.